Ephesians: Who Do You Think You Are?Part 3: I Am a SaintSunday, April 21, 2013If you are in Jesus Christ, your primary identity is “saint”, not “sinner”. Saint is your constant identity, sin is only your occasional activity. If you’re a...
Ephesians: Who Do You Think You Are?Part 2: I Am In ChristSunday, April 14, 2013Every aspect of your God-given identity is rooted entirely in Jesus Christ.[fb-like-button] Part 2: I Am In Christ by Pastor Josh Weiland | Who Do You Think You Are?...
Ephesians: Who Do You Think You Are? Part 1: I Am _________? Sunday, April 7, 2013 Who do you think you are? God says that you’re created and you’re an image bearer. You’re made to mirror Jesus. Therefore, your true identity is not yours to create....