The God Who Gives: Part 2 God’s Gifts to Mary Luke 1:26-56 Sunday, December 11, 2016 For God so loved the world that he GAVE… Our God is a generous God who freely gives abundant grace and mercy. In his grace we get what we don’t deserve, and in his...
Psalm 67 Blessed to Bless Sunday, December 22, 2013 In Genesis 12, God makes a covenant with Abraham, promising to bless him so that he can be a blessing to everyone else. In many ways, Psalm 67 is Genesis 12:1-3 set to music. Psalm 67: Blessed to Bless by Pastor Josh...
PsalmĀ 16 Set Yourself on Jesus Sunday, December 15, 2013 Psalm 16 reminds us of what we can expect when we fix ourselves on Jesus. Psalm 16: Set Yourself on Jesus by Pastor Josh Weiland | A Month of Psalms Scripture...
Psalm 8Wrapped in MajestySunday, December 8, 2013The very purpose and meaning of your life is wrapped in the majesty of God, and apart from Jesus life is meaningless. Psalm 8: Wrapped in Majesty by Pastor Josh Weiland | A Month of Psalms...
Psalm 2Kiss the SonSunday, December 1, 2013You have two options with Jesus… Cherish or Perish. The author of Psalm 2 gives good advice, “Be wise… Kiss the Son!” Psalm 2: Kiss the Son by Pastor Josh Weiland | A Month of Psalms...