
Part 21: The Gospel is for All

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Gospel is for All

Peter stays and continues doing ministry in Joppa for a while after the healing of Aeneas in Lydda and the raising of Tabbitha. While waiting on his lunch one day, God gives Peter a vision of something like a sheet lowering from heaven, full of “unclean” animals that were not permitted to be eaten according to Jewish dietary law. When a voice from heaven tells Peter to kill and eat, he refuses. But he’s then rebuked, “Do not call common what God has made clean.” Shortly after this, men arive from Caesarea on behalf of a Roman Centurion named Cornelius. God had also been working in his life, sending an angel to have Cornelius send for Peter. Peter comes, and while he’s teaching about Jesus many believe and the Gospel moves beyond the ranks of the Jews to the Gentiles. Peter laid his bias and partiality aside, once he realized God shows no partiality. And since God shows no partiality neither should we—the Gospel is for all.


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Part 21: The Gospel is for All

by Pastor Josh Weiland | Acts

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Wawasee Bible is a growing evangelical church located in north-central Indiana between the communities of Milford and Syracuse. We are sent to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us.

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The EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
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