
Part 12: Will You Be Barnabas or Ananias?

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Will You Be Barnabas or Ananias?

In Acts 4:32 and following, Luke gives us a brief summary statement of the good things happening in the early church. It was a time of God pouring out his grace to provide for this people and his power to protect them. There was great unity among them. Luke gives two examples, one good and one devastating, as these things played out. Barnabas showed great authenticity as he followed the Lord and encouraged believers. Ananias and Sapphira, however, aimed to deceive others—even God—with their inauthenticity. God gives grace and power through the Gospel to purge spiritual deception and nurture authenticity! As you follow Jesus, pursue him honestly, knowing you have nothing to prove because he’s proven it for you.


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Part 12: Will You Be Barnabas or Ananias?

by Pastor Josh Weiland | Acts

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Wawasee Bible is a growing evangelical church located in north-central Indiana between the communities of Milford and Syracuse. We are sent to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us.

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The EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
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