Life in the Age of Outrage
Part 3: Outrage and Wrongs
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Outrage and Wrongs
What do you do when you’ve clearly been wronged? Or when you encounter a wrong in the world? As followers of Jesus we want to avoid worldly outrage, but what about right anger? There are things we must get angry about—the same things that anger God. What we get angry about will often reveal who or what we are worshiping. When it’s right anger about things that anger God, it reveals our worship of him. But when our anger is simply worldly outrage, it’s usually because an idol in our life has been threatened. Also, when we get angry we must always get angry in the same way that God does—because we’re representing his kingdom. God’s anger is always measured and under control, so the fruit of self-control is essential if we’re to be angry in a right way.
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Part 3: Outrage and Wrongs
Wawasee Bible is a growing evangelical church located in north-central Indiana between the communities of Milford and Syracuse. We are sent to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us.
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