Mary was an exceptional young women, a great example to us in her obedience and faithfulness to God. But her saying yes to God was also saying yes to struggle and suffering. This week we see Mary & Joseph's obedience affect Jesus's. While he was young they had him circumcised and dedicated to the Lord according to the Law. Their obedience as parents would affect his future obedience. But it also lead to their own struggles. Mary would face many heartaches due to following God, however she kept going and God was faithful in his goodness to her. It's the same for us. Obedience and faithfulness to God will bring struggle in this broken world, so keep your eyes on the destination!
No one had an experience of the first Christmas quite like Mary did, and no one else ever will. This Advent season we’re looking at the biblical accounts of Jesus’s birth through the eyes of Jesus's mother, a young girl named Mary.