After John tells us about Mary finding the empty tomb and Peter and John's foot race to it in chapter 20, he records three encounters Jesus had with people who had some doubt and confusion after his resurrection: Mary Magdalene, the Disciples, and Thomas. Sometimes we might assume doubt is the opposite of faith, but it's not—disobedience is. The key is what you do with your doubt. The good news is that God welcomes our doubts as we bring them to him. Jesus’s resurrection is often met with doubt, but he graciously meets us in it and left us strong evidence! Pastor Josh ends by listing a number of evidences worth considering as it relates to Jesus's resurrection.
Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. Not only did he create us, he lived as a one of us. And he gets us.
In this series, we will dive into six of the ways Jesus became like us—understanding our insecurity, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt, grief, dissatisfaction—and how we can become more like him.