Josh Weiland - January 8, 2023

Praying in Real Life

Acts 3-4 is the chronicles a crazy 24-48 hours for Peter and John, and all the believers. We read about Peter and John going to the Temple to pray. En route they heal a man, then later get arrested for preaching about Jesus and are forced to appear before the Sanhedrin council. The council–due to fear of the people–lets them go but sternly threatens them not to speak of Jesus any more. After they're released, Peter and John go to their friends—the other believers, tell them everything that happened, and they all respond by praying to God. Their prayers express great trust in God while facing the struggle of the reality they're in (rather than just living in the fantasy that God would keep them from any struggle). When life gets crazy (and when it's not!) pray real prayers and watch God work!

Scripture References: John 17:15, Acts 4:23-31, John 16:23-26, John 15:16, John 14:13-14, James 4:2-3, Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 8:28-29, Galatians 6:2

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