Josh Weiland - May 7, 2023

Pride, Humility, & Joy

Everything recorded is Scripture is there for our benefit, and each narrative is there to serve as an example to us, whether good or bad. Acts 12:20-25 tells of the downfall of King Herod Agrippa I. Herod serves as an example to all of us of the negative aspects of pride. Pride is especially self-worship, specifically ascribing a mis-calculated worth to ourselves (whether too high, or too low). Pastor Josh borrows from Gavin Ortlund's excellent book, Humility, offering 10 ways to kill our pride and seek joy by cultivating humility. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, so kill your pride and get true joy!

Scripture References: James 4:5-10, Acts 12:20-25

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