Josh Weiland - May 14, 2023

Sent by the Spirit

In Acts 13:1-12, the Holy Spirit directed the church in Antioch to commission Barnabas and Saul (Paul) and send them out. Barnabas, Paul, and Mark set said for Cyprus where they spread the Gospel across the island. In Paphos they encountered a magician named Bar-Jesus who opposed them. But Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, rebuked the magician, causing him temporary blindness. The proconsul, Sergius Paulus, witnessed this and believed in the teachings of the Lord. This week we looked at how to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit, and how to share the Gospel in a practical way. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance, boldly share Jesus and trust God's power to do the work.

Scripture References: Acts 13:1-12

From Series: "Acts"

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