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Josh Weiland - August 18, 2024

The Courage of Caleb

Numbers 13-14 gives us a glimpse of the courage of a man named Caleb. He was one of twelve men who spied out the Promised Land before Israel was about to take it. However, only Caleb and Joshua brought back a good report. The other ten failed to believe in God, and rather than step out in faith and courageously take it, they convinced the people it was a lost cause. God disciplined their lack of faith with spending the rest of their lives in the wilderness. Similarly, when we choose a lifestyle of murmuring (complaining, coveting, criticizing, doubting, rebelling), we will spend our lifetime in the wilderness. Let's be like Caleb! Caleb was full of courage because he believed the Word of God and not the fear of failure.

Scripture References: Numbers 13:1-33, Joshua 14:6-12, Numbers 14:1-12

From Series: "Enduring Courage"

Our focus for the 2024-2025 ministry year is Enduring Courage. Courage to step out in faith, engaging in faith-full risk-taking as we seek to follow Jesus.

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