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Josh Weiland - September 3, 2023

Remembering the Future

We wrap up our vision series this week by looking at God's call to "remember". Every time God’s Word tells us to “remember” it is with the present and future in view. By God's design there is never any going back in time, but only moving forward. We're only commanded to remember the past in so much as it reminds us of who Jesus is and what he is able to do in the present and future! When I remember God's faithfulness in the past (through good and bad), I'm encouraged to trust his faithfulness today and tomorrow. When I remember my sin in the past, I'm reminded of God's grace and I want to avoid that sin today and tomorrow. As we embark on our 7-year Enduring Reach vision, we remember God's goodness to us as a church in the past, and we lean into his continued faithfulness in the future as we obey him and follow Christ.

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 8:11-20, Deuteronomy 11:26-28

From Series: "It's In Our DNA"

This series is about who we uniquely are as a local church (our Kingdom Concept, Mission, Core Values, Strategy, and Outcomes), and where God is taking us in the future.

Message Notes & Food for Thought     Our Vision Frame     Enduring Reach: Our 2030 Vision

More Messages Associated With "God's Sovereignty"...

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