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CloseJosh Weiland - June 26, 2022
Weeds, Wheat, & What to Do

In the Parable of the Weeds of the Field, Jesus gives instruction on how to live life as his followers in a world that's broken with sin. We're sent to love people—all people—and invite them to follow Jesus with us. No matter who they are, what they believe, what they've done, their ethnicity, their age, their intellect—no matter who they are every human life bears the image of God and is full of eternal dignity, value, and worth. This world is filled with weeds, so keep planting wheat and wait for the harvest.
Scripture References: Matthew 13:24-43
From Series: Parables | More Messages from Josh Weiland | Download Audio
From Series: "Parables"
Parables are simply stories intended to illustrate and teach. Jesus often taught about the Kingdom with parables in order to help people remember his teaching. He used parables to conceal truth from some, and reveal truth to others.
More Messages Associated With "Mission"...

June 26, 2022
Weeds, Wheat, & What to Do
Josh Weiland
Matthew 13:24-43

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Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch
Josh Weiland
Acts 8:26-40

September 24, 2023
The Gospel to Philippi (Part 2)
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Acts 16:16-40

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Philippians – Joy in All Circumstances
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Philippians 1:1-30, Philippians 4:1-23, Philippians 3:1-21, Philippians 2:1-30