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Collin Seitz - July 24, 2022

The Lost Sheep

Pastor Collin Seitz preaches from Luke 15:1-7 on the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who diligently seeks us and then carries us back to God. We should be like him. Not isolating ourselves from the world, but being sent into it to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us. Jesus himself is the narrow road that leads to true life, whereas the wide and easy road leads to destruction. Which road will you choose? And which will you help others find?

Scripture References: Luke 19:10, Luke 15:3-7

From Series: "Parables"

Parables are simply stories intended to illustrate and teach. Jesus often taught about the Kingdom with parables in order to help people remember his teaching. He used parables to conceal truth from some, and reveal truth to others.

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