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Josh Weiland - November 15, 2020

What's On the Line Online

We’re sent by Jesus as his ambassadors, and there’s not any area of life where we do not represent him—for better or for worse. A Christian’s only presence is as important as their physical presence. How are you doing at representing Jesus online? God is calling you—all of who you are—to do what Jesus commands online as it is IRL (in real life). Maybe before you post you should ask yourself, WWJT? (What Would Jesus Tweet?). We close with some principles of what it looks like to follow and represent Jesus online. As we interact with a world full of outrage—seen especially in online social media mobs—our goal must always be to win people over winning arguments.

From Series: "Life in the Age of Outrage"

This series is inspired by and borrows from the 2018 book from Dr. Ed Stetzer, "Christians in the Age of Outrage". As we face the 2020 election while also finding our way through COVID, this series will explore how, as followers of Jesus, we can bring our best to a world at its worst.

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