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Knute Larson - July 9, 2023

It's All About Jesus, My King

Psalm 24 is a song of praise and celebration that acknowledges God's kingship and authority over all creation. "The earth is the Lord's"…"the earth and all who dwell therein." Everything belongs to God, he created it all—including us! We should be his also. "Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD?" David asks. The answer is those who are righteous, and that only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. The end of the Psalm asks who the King of glory is—and the New Testament answers that it's Jesus! "The earth is the Lord's"—so we should be his also, and give him glory!

Scripture References: Psalms 24:1-10, Genesis 1:1-31, 2 Peter 3:5, Hebrews 11:3

From Series: "Jesus: My God in the Psalms"

Is Jesus just Jesus or “my Jesus” to you? To follow Jesus means we are possessive toward him, and Jesus is possessive of us. To know Jesus, then, is to know him as My King, My Light, My Shepherd, MY God.

Message Notes & Food for Thought

More Messages Associated With "God's Sovereignty"...

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