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CloseJosh Weiland - February 12, 2023
Philip in Samaria

After Stephen was murdered for his faith, persecution of the early Christians increased in frequency and intensity, causing all but the Apostles to flee Jerusalem. Acts 8 records the ministry of Philip (one of the seven appointed to serve in Acts 6 alongside Stephen). Philips flight from Jerusalem led him to the city of Samaria, where he continued preaching the Gospel (Acts 8:4-25). God did many signs and wonders through Philip to authenticate the Gospel message, and many believed the Gospel and were baptized. We're also introduced to a man named Simon who was known for his dark magic. Simon is said to have also been amazed, not at the Gospel message, but at the signs God was working through Philip. When Peter and John come to see God's work among the Samaritans for themselves, Peter rebukes Simon for trying to buy God's grace and power with money. We learn from Philip's first encounter in Acts that God takes hostile situations and makes them hospitable by the power of the Gospel!
Scripture References: Acts 8:4-25
From Series: Acts | More Messages from Josh Weiland | Download Audio
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