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Josh Weiland - October 27, 2024

God's Faithfulness in Our Faithlessness

The Christian life is a journey full of moments of faithfulness, but also times we relapse into old patterns of sin. Our sin illustrates our faithlessness—but thankfully when we’re faithless, God is faithful! The story of Abraham and Abimelech illustrates this struggle, as we all falter. But despite our failures, there is hope: God offers us grace and second chances in Jesus Christ! We must lean on God's faithful promises, the support of our church community, and the provision of Christ to help us stay on course. When we relapse into old sins, God’s love and grace are steadfast, and he sovereignly keeps us.

Scripture References: Genesis 20:1-18, Genesis 21:22-34

From Series: "Journey Uncharted"

The story of Abraham’s life opens with a profound and powerful event: his response to God’s call to leave his homeland and go to the land God will show him (Gen 12:1). Abraham's life is marked by moments of both faith and doubt, courage and fear. Through it all, God was was faithful, enabling Abraham to keep turning back to him in faith and courage.

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