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Josh Weiland - October 6, 2024

I Kinda Doubt It...

Abram is rightfully seen as a man of great faith, yet he still struggles with doubt. This week, we continue to look at his story in Genesis 15 and 16. Despite Abram's (and Sarai’s) doubts and impatience, God is incredibly patient and gracious to them, reassuring them of his promises. To do this, God makes a covenant with Abram, vividly demonstrating his commitment to fulfill his promise. God counted Abram righteous because of his faith, and he does the same with us. We’re saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. While we might waver at times, God never does, and we can (and should!) have complete confidence that he will complete all that he’s promised in his perfect timing.

Scripture References: Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 16:1-16

From Series: "Journey Uncharted"

The story of Abraham’s life opens with a profound and powerful event: his response to God’s call to leave his homeland and go to the land God will show him (Gen 12:1). Abraham's life is marked by moments of both faith and doubt, courage and fear. Through it all, God was was faithful, enabling Abraham to keep turning back to him in faith and courage.

More Messages Associated With "Doubt"...

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