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Josh Weiland - March 24, 2024

Jesus Gets Dissatisfaction

Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. Everyone has experienced dissatisfaction in life. It's because this life is not all there is, and it's because our lives are broken with sin. Jesus gets our dissatisfaction. He understands our wanting and longing for something more. In fact, he's the one who put those longings and desires in each of our hearts to begin with when he created us. And he knows what will truly fill them and satisfy them, because he designed them. Our desire and dissatisfaction in life is a good thing as we recognize who it's actually pointing to and pursue more of Christ.

Scripture References: John 7:37-39, Psalms 42:1-2

From Series: "He Gets Us"

Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. Not only did he create us, he lived as a one of us. And he gets us. In this series, we will dive into six of the ways Jesus became like us—understanding our insecurity, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt, grief, dissatisfaction—and how we can become more like him.

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