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CloseDave Winters - March 10, 2024
Jesus Gets Guilt

Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. This week Pastor Dave opens up John 8:1-11 to see how Jesus understands guilt. 2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us that Jesus—who knew no sin—became sin for our sake so that we could be forgiven and made righteous. There's a difference between true guilt and unnecessary self-condemnation. Jesus' approach to guilt, being both gracious and truthful, is seen in his interaction with the adulterous woman, highlighting the balance between acknowledging sin and receiving forgiveness. Pastor Dave suggests practical steps for dealing with guilt including embracing grace over works, standing firm on God's verdict, and seeking reconciliation and healing through confession and prayer. Guilt came with the fall. People use guilt against each other. Jesus comes with grace and truth. Bring your guilt to God.
Scripture References: John 8:1-11
From Series: He Gets Us | More Messages from Dave Winters | Download Audio
From Series: "He Gets Us"
Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. Not only did he create us, he lived as a one of us. And he gets us. In this series, we will dive into six of the ways Jesus became like us—understanding our insecurity, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt, grief, dissatisfaction—and how we can become more like him.