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Josh Weiland - March 3, 2024

Jesus Gets Anxiety

Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. In his humanity Jesus experienced and understands fear and anxiety, and he models a way through it to trust and rest in God's love, grace, and control. Often anxiety boils down to just that, not having control. Thankfully God deeply loves us, is near, and is always in full control. When anxiety and fear set in, we should first pause and recognize it. Name it. Then reflect on what our root fear is and on what is actually true (i.e. God's love, control, and nearness), identifying and rooting out lies and any potential sinful causes of our anxiety. Finally we still need to live our lives, but to reengage with Jesus in the middle of everything. This will be a pattern we need to repeat continually as we seek to pursue Christ even in our anxiety. (It's also noted that for some, anxiety is flat-out debilitating and to overcome it we should seek professional biblical counseling and help.)

Scripture References: Matthew 6:25-34

From Series: "He Gets Us"

Jesus is not only fully God, but became fully human. Because of this truth he understands us better than anyone else. Not only did he create us, he lived as a one of us. And he gets us. In this series, we will dive into six of the ways Jesus became like us—understanding our insecurity, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt, grief, dissatisfaction—and how we can become more like him.

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