Join us as we dive into six of the ways Jesus became like us—understanding our insecurity, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt, grief, dissatisfaction—and how we can become more like him.
Josh Weiland - February 9, 2025
Birthright and Blessing
Scripture References: Genesis 25:29-34, Genesis 27:1-40
From Series: "Pursuing Presence"
Jacob had quite a life. It was one that was all about God's presence, but I'm not sure he saw it that way! In Jacob we'll see the life of a twin brother who struggled against his own family from the womb all the way to old age, until he finally learned how to allow God's pursuing presence to define his life. Jacob's journey, in many ways, is the opposite of what God desires for us. (To call it messy is an understatement.) Yet his life is also one of many in Scripture where we see God never quits pursuing us!