An Unchanging Mission

When Wawasee Bible was planted in the fall of 1986, there was a 3-fold focus in the founding of the new church. 1) Jesus would be at the center and must be first in everything. 2) God’s Word would be the final authority in all matters of life and doctrine. 3) Man-made traditions or institutions must never supersede the worship of Jesus or the teaching of God’s Word.

Additionally, when it was decided to name our church “Wawasee Community Bible Church” we reasoned that “Wawasee” would be recognized throughout the area and “Community” was consistent with our desire to reach the community with the Gospel. “Bible Church” is what we wanted to be known for more than anything else. The name seemed to be a beautiful fit for our mission and vision!

Today that mission and vision, while articulated in different ways, remain unchanged. By God’s grace, they will remain the same for decades and generations to come!

Our Core Values

If you visit or become part of Wawasee Bible, here are some things you'll see to be true about us.

1. It's All About Jesus!

It’s all about Jesus and he must be first in everything. Jesus is the Senior Pastor of the Church and we’re here to serve, love, exalt, and enjoy him! Our lives are to be all about Jesus. Creation is all about Jesus. The Church is all about Jesus. Salvation is all about Jesus. It is ALL about Jesus!

2. God Wrote It All Down

God wrote a book and he has revealed everything we need to know about him and salvation in the Bible. In addition, written in the Bible is everything we need to successfully live the Christian life and have joy! We are to believe God’s Word in all that it teaches, obey it in all it requires, and trust it in all that it promises.

3. All People Matter

The Bible is clear that all people matter to God; therefore, all people must matter to us. No matter their age, gender, skin color, status, intellect—all people bear God’s image and matter to God. No matter who they are, where they’re from, what they’ve done, or what’s been done to them—there is no one we would not love and invite to follow Jesus with us!

4. We All Need Friends

There’s one aspect of bearing God’s image that is impossible for us to do by ourselves: We cannot image his relational nature without being involved in community. We were not designed to go through life alone. In fact, God created us lacking and needing relationship, even before the Fall. It is by his design that we all need friends!

5. No Sacred Cows

Jesus is sacred. God’s Word is sacred. But our opinions and traditions and preferences are not. Therefore we hold everything other than God and his Word in an open hand (with a loose grip), and are willing to let it go for the sake of the Gospel. We are committed to having no “sacred cows”.


Wawasee Bible is a growing evangelical church located in north-central Indiana between the communities of Milford and Syracuse. We are sent to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us.

Wawasee Bible is a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
The EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
Learn more about the EFCA at

Want to know more? Get in touch.

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