30/30 Journey Prayer

Participate in the 40-Day Challenge!


We're living in some unique days. Everything is shutting down and life is changing rapidly in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the next 40 days, join us in 4 activities every day. You can do this as an individual, with a friend, or as a family. Print out the PDF linked below, then follow these instructions.

1. Express gratitude to God at least once a day. Make a list. — Each day jot down one thing you’re thankful for that happened on that day. What’s one thing that brought you joy? Look for one. Every day.

2. Take time to encourage or help someone else everyday. — Each day jot down one way you attempted to encourage and/or help someone. Look for one opportunity everyday!

3. We've provided short passages of Scripture to read every day. While reading consider answering these questions: What does it say? What does it mean? How will I apply it? — Consider keeping a journal with your answers.

4. Pray by using the P.R.A.Y. acronym by yourself or with others.
P = Praise: Praise God for all he does, thank him, and be specific.
R = Repent: Confess sins and struggles. He always forgives.
A = Ask: Ask God for help, provision, deliverance, and more!
Y = Yield: Dedicate, trust, surrender your life and circumstances to him.

40-Day Challenge

Print off the attached PDF, hang it on your fridge or in a place you'll see it every day and join us!