Peter’s Path
Part 2: Peter Denies Jesus
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Peter Denies Jesus
Peter’s worst day was certainly the day he denied knowing Jesus three times. He never imagined he would give in to this type of pressure and fail, but he did. The truth is that under the right circumstances every one of us would deny Christ like Peter did. We deny him in many ways. Some fail to believe Jesus is who he says he is. Others deny him before others and cower away. And all of us have denied him at times due to our hypocrisy. Peter failed Jesus, and so do we—but Jesus never failed Peter and never fails us. So we should strive to endure, knowing Jesus will help us. Jesus saw it coming that Peter (and I) would deny him, yet he died for Peter (and me) anyway. That’s amazing.
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Part 2: Peter Denies Jesus
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