
A Fully Devoted Follower…

Becoming A Fully Devoted Follower: #1 of 6 (taken from the Treepost Newletter) | View the Entire Devotional Series

This fall in the newsletter we’re going to explore what it means to be a Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus. Our purpose as a church reads like this, “Our purpose is to see people transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.” So the question we’re going to scratch the surface of together is, “What’s a Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus look like?”

I want to notice three things from that purpose statement that are really important:

  1. The goal is that you’d become a fully devoted follower of Jesus.Not just someone who says they’re a Christian, or someone who just prays a prayer and walks away, but someone who follows Jesus daily and really lives like it! You’ve heard me say that just attending and sitting in church no more makes you a Christian that sitting in Taco Bell makes you a chalupa. You need to follow Jesus and grow up in your faith.
  2. Your growth as a follower of Jesus is an issue of transformation, not just information.We want to see people’s lives transformed! The goal isn’t for you to get plugged-in and fill your head with knowledge, it’s to help you grow to be more and more like Jesus. Remember, if your faith hasn’t changed you, it hasn’t saved you.
  3. Only God can do the heavy lifting of transforming your heart. The only way this transformation into a fully devoted follower of Jesus takes place is through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Your focus as a follower of Jesus must be on studying the Word to learn more about Jesus and to rely on the Holy Spirit to become more and more like Jesus.

With those three things in mind, we’ll be exploring what we call the “Five Traits of a Fully Devoted Follower” over the next five months, helping you understand more of what it means to follow Jesus. Until then, check out the back of your bulletin next Sunday morning and you can read a little bit more about how a Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus Learns Continually, Worships Passionately, Loves Selflessly, Gives Sacrificially, and Lives Missionally.